About Marijanne Joshi-Polderman

Background: born and brought up in the Netherlands, having a passion for languages, knows European languages: English, German, French, Spanish and of course her mother tongue Dutch. Having lived in India since 1983, she has also picked up Indian languages such as Tamil, Hindi and Gujarati because of interest and necessity.

Experience: started her teaching and translation career 20 years ago as a Spanish Language trainer at the Cultural Academy in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. A few years later she switched to specializing in Dutch. She has conducted a number of group courses for individuals and customized courses for companies and several civic integration exam courses. These specialized courses are designed in such a way to prepare students for the exam thoroughly and in a relaxed way. This course has been very successful.

Vision: more than 20 years ago she had a vision to propagate her native tongue - Dutch language in Chennai - her hometown now. It has found a niche as a language institute specialized in the Dutch language and culture.

Marijanne's thoughts: I enjoy teaching Dutch language and culture, and put all my energy in trying to make my students a true Dutch-Able.


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