Dutch-Able conducts A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 courses.
You can send an e-mail for information on any of these courses. Dutch-Able courses are continuing to be online.
The beginners course and the follow-up courses are useful if you are settling down in the Netherlands or Belgium and need to write the Civic Integration Exam - Abroad as well continue to write exams in The Netherlands for further integration and expand your job opportunities. 
If you are interested in learning Dutch and getting to know the Dutch people and their culture Dutch-Able is the place to be.

Het CNaVT (Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language -www.cnavt.org is an international recognized certificate. Dutch-Able is one of the examiners in India and situated in Chennai-Tamil Nadu.

For information/registration call or send an e-mail.

Keep in touch with the Dutch (-Able)!

You can call: 044-25610190/25610334 or send an e-mail to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

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